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Hiking to the Top of Mt. Srd in Dubrovnik, Croatia

With a height of 412 metres above sea level, it might be more apt to call Mt. Srd a hill instead of a mountain. The most popular way to ascend Mt. Srd is via cable car, where a 3-minute journey will take you up to the summit in no time. However, this route becomes terribly congested during the peak of summer – especially since there are only 2 cars, each having a capacity of 30 passengers at a time.

And with 30 people squeezed into a single carriage, you’d be hard-pressed to snag a spot next to the window. You’d probably end up squashed in the middle and being unable to look at the views on the way up, which would be a shame.

Instead, why not consider hiking up to Mt. Srd? It’d only take you about 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on your pace, and you’ll get to feast your eyes on spectacular views along the way!

The trailhead is located northwest of the Old Town, opposite the underpass located along the main road of Jadranska Cesta. Simply type in ‘Stolacka Ulica’ into your Google Maps app and go to the start of the green zigzag line, which indicates the trail up to Mt. Srd.

This is how the start of the trail looks like!

The trail begins in the forest, where you’ll steadily make your way up among towering trees. Good shoes are a must, as the path is littered with numerous loose rocks. In this situation, flip flops just won’t cut it!

After emerging from the forest, you’ll embark on a series of uphill switchbacks that zigzag up the open mountainside. 

From this point on, you’ll get to enjoy incredible views of Dubrovnik and the Adriatic sea. On a clear day, you can even see all the way out to the surrounding islands.

At the summit, you’ll find the Dubrovnik Imperial Fortress that was built by Napoleon. The Museum of the Croatian War of Independence is also worth a visit, where you can learn about the heartwrenching events of the civil war. The entrance fee to the museum costs around HRK30 (~SGD6).

If you wish, you can also choose to treat yourself to a nice, albeit pricey, meal – with a view! – at the beautiful Panorama Restaurant.

Alternatively, if you don’t wish to hike up, you can take the cable car up to the summit and hike down the trail. It’s a win-win situation!

The cable car costs HRK90 (~SGD19) for a one-way trip and HRK170 (~SGD36) for a return journey. Opening hours vary with the season and month:

  • January: 9am to 4pm
  • February to March: 9am to 5pm
  • April: 9am to 8pm
  • May: 9am to 9pm
  • June to August: 9am to 12am
  • September: 9am to 10pm
  • October: 9am to 8pm
  • November: 9am to 4pm
  • December: 9am to 4pm

Other than taking the cable car or hiking, you can also get to the top of Mt. Srd via bus. Take local bus #17 from Dubrovnik to the town of Bosanka. From there, a short uphill trek will bring you to the summit of Mt. Srd.

The bus ride takes about 25 minutes from Dubrovnik to Bosanka and departs from the Pile Gate. Tickets can be bought from the bus driver and cost HRK15 (~SGD3) one-way. 

I initially had every intention to take the cable car up the mountain but it wasn’t in operation on that very day; embarking on this beautiful hike was hence somewhat of a happy accident for me. The hike is straightforward and easy; I highly recommend it for anyone visiting Dubrovnik!

Read: Exploring the Old Town of Dubrovnik, Croatia; Walking the City Walls of Dubrovnik, Croatia

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