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Things to Do in Iceland Other Than Chasing the Northern Lights

First published on TripZilla.

The Northern Lights are so beautiful, so stunning, but just also so darn elusive. You either see them, or you don’t. Many people go to Finland or Norway in pursuit of the lights, but why not go to Iceland?

Indeed, if the lights do refuse to shine during your stay - here are 13 things to do in Iceland that are equally as exhilarating!

1. Dive in between two continents at Thingvellir National Park

Thingvellir National Park is the only place on Earth where you can dive between two continents – the Silfra fissure is a crack between the North America and Eurasian continents, and divers get to swim right through. The waters are crystal clear as well, making for a pretty picture-perfect shot.

2. Explore a brilliant-blue ice cave

Image credit: Hasegawa Takashi

Here’s your chance to feel like a true blue Ice Queen - get your pickaxe and crawl into electric blue caves straight out of a fairy-tale. These caves usually open from November onwards through winter - do check before you go to avoid disappointment.

3. Trek across a majestic glacier

Feel like you're walking on the moon - with spectacular landscapes to boot.

4. Dangle your legs off the side of a waterfall

Talk about relaxing with a view.

5. Scale a sheer ice cliff

Image credit: Glacier Guides

Warning: this definitely isn't for the faint-hearted. Nothing shouts adventure more than this intrepid escapade, where you'll pick and chisel your way up a vertical ice cliff.

6. Walk behind a waterfall

Instead of just seeing a waterfall from the front, try your hand at actually walking behind one! If you're lucky, you might even be able to catch a glimpse of a rainbow.

7. Journey to the center of the earth

Image credit: Rachel Docherty

Put on your helmets and journey 120 metres to the centre of the earth down a 4, 000 years old volcano! 

8. Go on a husky ride across blinding white snow

Image credit: Dogsledding Iceland Facebook

These huskies are tremendously adorable, and boy do they love to run. Enjoy the feeling of being weightless as you hurtle across the snow.

9. Sail across a glacial lagoon

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about an iceberg – Titanic? Well, think again. Unlike Titanic, all boat-rides at this glacier lagoon have a very happy ending. Sail among monstrous blocks of ice and come face to face with nature’s beauty! 

10. Explore a lava tunnel

Image credit: Patrick Gensel

Explore Iceland down to its’ very depths – only the adventurous will be rewarded.

11. Ski through wintry paradise

Iceland isn't usually known for skiing but who can resist such pristine white slopes?

12. Ride the cutest pony you’ve ever seen

Did you know that the Icelandic pony can do something that no other ponies can? This is called the tölt, where at least one of the pony's feet is always in contact with the ground.

13. Soak till you get wrinkly in a large geothermal lagoon

Soak in a giant blue geothermal pool and slather on some free silica mud masks. This is an absolute treat during winter!

14. Dodge 70 metres of boiling water erupting from a geyser

Behold: a giant explosion of boiling water shoot 70 metres into the air.

It's really not the end of the world should the Northern Lights stay out of your grasp during your Iceland holiday. After all, there's so much else to do!

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