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Reasons to Visit Iceland

First published on TripZilla, in collaboration with Insight Vacations.

Magical, out of this world, incredibly surreal – there’s probably no combination of words that can adequately sum up the wonder that is Iceland.

So why make a trip to this wonderland that looks like it came straight out of a fairytale? Here are 6 reasons to give you that extra push. Here in Iceland, there are…

1. Plenty of Northern Lights sightings

Rumor has it that the Northern Lights are going to dim for the next decade. We know what you’re thinking – Is that really true? No one knows for sure, but better safe than sorry – there’s no better time than now to tick this off the old bucket list.

Iceland enjoys a high Aurora sighting rate, and the fact that the temperature ranges from-5 to +5 degrees celsius makes each Northern Light chase that much more comfortable. 

2. Lots of spectacular waterfalls

True to its name, Iceland becomes covered with ice once winter strikes. Indeed, Iceland looks vastly different in summer as compared to winter but what becomes even more stunning in winter, are its waterfalls.

There’s just something about that icy white landscape that tugs at the heartstrings of many. Feast your eyes on blinding white panoramas everywhere; definite crowd pleasers are Skógafoss waterfall (pictured top) and the mighty Gulfoss waterfall (pictured bottom).

At Thingvellir National Park, venture through spectacular vistas and snap lots of pictures for your mantelpiece back home. 

3. Geysirs that shoot boiling water 70 metres into the air

We kid you not.

4. Unbelievably stunning scenery

Everywhere you look, there are rolling mountains, thundering waterfalls and intimidating volcanoes. Everywhere.

5. Darling towns

Besides the scenery, the darling town of Reykjavík exudes a certain charm as well. The roofs of the houses are delightfully decked out in all colours of the rainbow, and quaint little shops line the neat cobblestone streets. And this is all against a dramatic backdrop of majestic mountains!

6. Outdoor geothermal spa

Relax in the Blue Lagoon, Iceland’s largest geothermal pool and spa. And yes, the water is really that blue! Immerse your entire body in the mineral-rich waters and slather some silica mud masks all over yourself. The Blue Lagoon is located near to the airport, resulting in many travellers making a pitstop either once they reach Iceland, or just before they head home.

To put it in a nutshell: Iceland is really nothing but a dream come true.

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