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Explore Kotor, A Fairytale Medieval Town in Montenegro

Montenegro is a delightful and off-the-beaten-track destination in Europe that’s just waiting to be discovered. Regarded as the jewel of the country, the Bay of Kotor is home to multiple fortified cities built by the Venetians.

Read: Places to Visit in Montenegro

The most famous one of them all is Kotor, whose medieval old town (“Stari Grad”), achieved UNESCO World Heritage status in 1979 and is a delight to explore. Built into a steep hillside, the old town is protected by five kilometres worth of city walls.

The first thing that anyone should do is to climb these city walls – do be warned that it isn’t a walk in the park! A total of 1, 355 steps will bring you up multiple switchbacks to the top, where the Castle of San Giovanni stands.

You enter through an unassuming stone arch. An entry fee is required to access the city walls; however, there wasn’t anyone around to collect it when we visited in December.

Along the way, you’ll pass by plenty of building ruins,

As well as a 15th-century church.

All with amazing views to boot!

The old town itself is an enchanting labyrinth of cobblestone alleys, boutique shops and an eclectic range of cafés. I visited during the low season of December, where most shops were closed. However, the place transforms into a bustling hive of activity in the peak of summer.

Kotor is also home to many furry inhabitants, one of whom even became our unofficial tour guide for the day.

It’s easy to navigate the old town; however, if you need some help, simply refer to any of the maps pinned on the walls.

The old town can be found just behind a grand set of gates and is located right next to the Bay.

Above all, Kotor makes for a great base if you’re looking to explore more places in Montenegro. Otherwise, it’s only about 2 hours via car from Dubrovnik in Croatia, making it an ideal day-trip destination.

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